Three students of Bellver, who want to study Medicine, had the opportunity to visit Son Llàtzer Hospital thanks to the collaboration of Dr. Cuadrado. For two days they were able to contact resident doctors and learn about their recent experiences in university life. They also attended talks and two surgeries (one in the Experimental Surgery). It has been a valuable and stimulating experience for these students.
At the end of May after they had completed their AS Level exams, Year 12 from Bellver International College embarked on a University Road trip around England organized by Miss Roden. The Lickey Hills in the west Midlands was the base for their stay, with each day filled with a trip to a renowned University and city. Each University put on highly informative and motivational presentations and talks by professors and students about University life and the application process. England did not let the students down with glorious weather shining upon them every day. The University of Birmingham was the students’ first port of call, followed by The Universities of Liverpool, Warwick, Imperial and Kings College London. They were able to take in sights, such as the Bullring, Brindley Place, the Albert Docks, Oxford Street and the Houses of Parliament, whilst enjoying the atmosphere of the Queen’s Diamond jubilee and the run up to the Olympics. It was an invaluable trip where the 6th formers gained insight into what life holds for them at the end of next year. We wish them all the success they deserve in the future.
The Easter holidays saw a group of 36 Bellverians travel to the Lake District in Cumbria, England, for an action packed week where elements of the Geography, PSHE and Physical Education departments combined most successfully. The pupils from years 7 to 10 took part in a wide range of challenges which saw them scaling mountains, climbing the peaks of
Skiddaw and wandering through Wordsworth’s famous landscapes. Even the extreme weather with an unexpected snowstorm could not dampen the spirits of the pupils, and they rose to the occasion, successfully scaling the heights of Cat Bells, Ghyl scrambling and honing their skills on Kayak and canoe. In addition to having a great time the pupils were able to refine their geographical skills in the historic market town of Keswick and develop team building skills by completing a range of fun activities from orienteering to the daring high ropes challenge. One of the most popular activities saw the pupils “storm the castle” where they had to work in teams to overcome a number of obstacles to blow up a model castle. A great time was had by all and the pupils arrived back in Palma Airport after a fun filled week of activities. Due to the success of the trip we are already planning our next educational field trip to another location abroad where students will be given the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom and broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Melanie Sweeting for her efforts and for being the driving force behind the field trip. My Thanks also to her team comprised of Ms Griffiths, Ms Raftery and Ms Roden. A group of Year 12 students will be travelling to the UK after their AS examinations in May. The aim of the trip is to allow the students to visit a variety of both campus and city based universities. They will see different subject departments, meet with professors, visit student unions and get a real taste of university life. My thanks to Ms Roden, our UCAS coordinator for this initiative.
July 2019
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