In the run up to Christmas, students at Bellver International College have begun to collect toys to help those less privileged than themselves. The students are being encouraged to bring in their unwanted toys so that they may be recycled. Members of the Bellver Leos club were invited to attend the collection and distribution centre in Pont d’Inca where they could see, first hand, what happens to these toys. When the toys arrive at the centre they were first sorted and checked, and any repairs and cleaning was undertaken. The Leos were shown how recycled paper and cardboard could be made into a decorative new material that is used to cover the boxes for the toys to put in ready to be sold. Many of the volunteers working at the centre were unemployed or had other problems and the centre provides them with the opportunity to learn new skills.
Year 12 students from Bellver International College presented a discussion on the current Ebola crisis in Spain. Daniel and Enrique took the parts of the minister for health and a leading doctor in the field. The high school students listened intently as they learned how Ebola is spread and the measures being taken by the authorities to prevent further cases.
Year 10 Art students are constructing life size crocodiles, leopards, frogs and green pythons coiled around branches, as part of their 3D Art and Design.
Students began with the structure, using polystyrene, wire and rolled newspaper to create the volume and forms. They continued with the process by applying papier-mache to strengthen the shapes. Later they will add appropriate textures, using paint, resins or fur to capture the realism of their chosen creatures. The week before Half Term, students from Year 13 and Ms. Cavanillas visited the wonderful city of Barcelona in hopes of learning more about their future Universities and about the city’s culture. Despite having to wake up at 4 a.m., the group felt very awake and excited to start their adventure. The morning consisted of a delicious breakfast in Passeig de Gracia and a visit to the impressive La Pedrera, where they were given a guided tour of the building and its unique architecture. Unfortunately, time flies when you’re having fun, so in no time they had to leave to attend the University Fair. It was an amazing opportunity to talk with representatives of different UK Universities learn about them. Next on their list was another guided tour, but this time of the astounding CRG, a center dedicated to genetic research. They were all absolutely fascinated by the wonders discovered in this lab and even carried out a small experiment. But the time to leave Barcelona was getting close, so they had a quick lunch and left for the airport, where they said goodbye to Barcelona and the incredible day they had experienced.
![]() Student in the Bellver science club have been busy building a robot arm and discovering how electric motors are connected, through gears, to control movement. After several hours of construction the time came to connect the robot arm to a computer and test its functions. A nervous group of students were hoping that each connection had been made correctly and nothing would go wrong. Their fears were allayed when the robot arm obeyed their commands through the computer interface. The students now plan to write programs so that the arm can be manoeuvred automatically. |
July 2019
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