Students from years 7 to 10 had the pleasure of watching Morgana Theatre Company´s production of Shakespeare´s `Macbeth´ last week, performed at the auditorium in Palma.
They enjoyed the dramatic tones of the tragic hero and the manipulative machinations of the evil witches
By Sofia Year 8
The Leo's club members from Bellver International College, participated on the Europe day market in Palma Nova to raise money for our charity group. We developed our teamwork abilities and our social skills, we also used time and effort to try to help many people and also, to have fun. Once again, we can show how the hard work and enthusiasm can lead to great success and satisfaction. Students from Years 7 and 8 participated in an overnight camp near to the monastery in Lluc as part of their personal, social and health education. The adventure also enabled the students to practice their orienteering skills in preparation for sports classes in Bellver woods and the Duke of Edinburgh Award which starts in Year 10.
The students all had a great time and cannot wait for their next camp out. Students from Years 4 to 9 visited the annual Science Fair at the University of the Baleares where they saw many experiments carried out by students from the university and also had an opportunity to take part themselves.
Everyone enjoyed the trip and learnt lots of new science. The children at Bellver International College really enjoy their sports afternoon when they have the opportunity to get out of the classroom and visit the Principes de España sports stadium.
The sporting activities are both competitive and fun and give opportunities for all to participate. Students in Year 5 at Bellver International College were very excited when the Spanish cycling champion, Joseba Beloki visited their class.
The Year 5 students have been studying France recently and as part of their studies were looking at the Tour de France. Joseba Beloki told the students about the training he had to do and the accidents he had, and answered lots of questions from the fascinated audience. At the end of the talk Joseba was happy to sign autographs for the excited children. Last Friday, April 29th, was the last official day for Bellver’s Year 11 group. In traditional American style, the graduating students put on caps and gowns and took to the stage where they were honored in Bellver’s first ever Year 11 Graduating Ceremony. Memories were compiled from Year 11’s teachers and Mr. Welch, Year 11’s tutor, prepared an emotional trip down memory lane for the students with the theme of “Year 11 – Now and Then”. Some of the students have been Bellverians since they were three years old. After watching an emotional video compilation and sharing memories about Year 11, each student was presented with a Year 11 Diploma, marking their accomplishments to date. Now, the Year 11 students will begin the IGCSE exams and we wish them the best of luck. Congratulations and do your best!
Written by Gregory Welch, Year 11 Tutor Year 11 students have created original hand built ceramics from earthenware clay for their Art and Design course at Bellver International College. Students based their inspiration on the sea theme with a variety of personal interpretations.
One student studied starfish and interpreted it "As above, so below". Another student was fascinated by detailed textures. A student concerned about the threat to the sea turtle population made a large blue bowl representing the sea and turtles trying to escape the dangers within. There is a beautiful vase with a sea coral in relief on the outside. An underwater seascape in 3D is portrayed by a series of emblematic pieces. A small blue bowl, with an anchor, in relief, on the inside is a reminder of summer on the sea. |
July 2019
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