As the school year draws to a close, the students from Year 6 at Bellver International College have been reflecting on their time in Primary School and sharing their memories with their friends and parents.
The final Year 6 assembly included songs, especially written for the occasion, and dramas performed by them to illustrate their reminisces. With confidence they bid farewell to the Primary School and embraced the challenges ahead of them in High school.
Bellver International College recently held their annual puppet show, for the children in the primary department, much to their delight.
Year 9 Craft students spend two terms preparing for the event. They write an original script, design and make papier-mâché puppets and then design and paint the scenery and props. This year’s craft class used Powerpoint projections on the wall throughout the performance along with a sound track of selected popular music. As the last year in the primary school at Bellver International College draws to a close for the Year 6 students, preparations begin for their entry into high school. Many of the students have been at the school since infants and are now excited to move on.
The teachers have arranged transition classes to introduce them to new subjects and new ways of learning. The children have been particularly excited by their visits to the laboratory where they have been introduced to chemistry and carried out experiments preparing crystals and looking at them under a microscope. The children from Years 2 and 3 at Bellver International College recently spent the day at La Reserva in the foothills of Puig Galatzo. They were guided along paths through the rocky hillside looking at all of the different plants and animals and even passed under a waterfall. At the end of the visit there was a little time to play in the adventure playground and everyone had great fun.
As part of the PE curriculum Years 3 to 8 have been going sailing to Club de Mar, each week receiving lessons in kayaking, sailing or paddle surfing with the fabulous instructors. So far, we have had 4 weeks of these classes which have been enjoyed immensely as these photos of Years 3 and 4 show.
July 2019
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