The daily workings of a farm gave the young students from Bellver International College a fantastic opportunity to see a part of rural life that most of them have never encountered when Infants, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a lovely day at the Granja Escolar Jovent. The children made magdalenas, fed the animals, planted seeds and rode on a horse. Everyone had a wonderful time and learned lots about life on a farm.
When the sun doesn't come out in Mallorca, it is still bright and colourful throughout Bellver International College with the children´s art work on the display boards.
Year 5 students have explored the art work of Mallorca´s internationally famous painter, Miguel Barceló. They chose his painting titled "Amsterdam Dog" to interpret using poster paints with sponges and paintbrushes. Then they tried their hand at watercolour with paintings inspired by local painters from Manchester, England. Moving into a new theme of the Mayan civilization Year 5 has begun by colouring Mayan masks with coloured pencil and felt tip pens. Year 6 has been studying the Greeks and a favourite part of their study is the Trojan War. Students have drawn their interpretation of the war and made three dimensional models representing the original Greek wooden horse that deceived the Trojans and led to their defeat. Year 7 craft students have used dry beans to create a beautiful bean mural with different recognisable motifs. Last but not least, Year 8 has painted two pictures with opposite themes which they cut into strips and glued intermittently to an accordion folded piece of card. The viewer sees the painting from different perspectives depending on whether he is facing the picture or looking at it from opposite sides. |
July 2019
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