On Wednesday 23rd October, Bellver’s Year 12 students went on a day trip to Madrid in order to attend the 3rd British Education Fair, organised by the British Council. They were accompanied by Mr Déperrois, Principal of the school, and Mr Lynch, the school’s UCAS coordinator.
At the fair, the students had the great opportunity to meet around 30 British universities such as Imperial College, East Anglia or Sussex. In addition to their visit to the British Education Fair, Year 12 Bellverians went on a tour of the European University of Madrid in the afternoon. There, they were taken around the university and given a presentation of the courses that the university runs. Visiting a university made the trip more realistic to our students. They were able to see what a university campus looks like and realised that they will soon be one of those students who are going to their next lecture. Bellver’s pupils felt that it was a very productive trip and have come back to the island fully motivated to achieve their best in their future exam in order to one day be a university student too.
Bellver International College is busy preparing the annual "Art Night" to be held next Thursday evening, the 18th of October from 7 to 9. Tickets are on sale in the school office or at the door, for 5€. There will be a raffle ticket winner! Wine and snacks will be served. This year´s theme is Andy Warhol´s "Garage". The student´s exhibit, from Infants to Seniors is inspired by the art work of Andy Warhol. Distinguished judges will select the winners of this year´s art competition. The atmosphere will be based on the 60´s and 70´s, featuring the "Bellver Rock Band" and the year 12 singer "Jerri". There will be senior Drama students acting as "Living Sculptures" by impersonating some of Warhol´s icons like Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis Presley and Andy Warhol himself !
At the end of May after they had completed their AS Level exams, Year 12 from Bellver International College embarked on a University Road trip around England organized by Miss Roden. The Lickey Hills in the west Midlands was the base for their stay, with each day filled with a trip to a renowned University and city. Each University put on highly informative and motivational presentations and talks by professors and students about University life and the application process. England did not let the students down with glorious weather shining upon them every day. The University of Birmingham was the students’ first port of call, followed by The Universities of Liverpool, Warwick, Imperial and Kings College London. They were able to take in sights, such as the Bullring, Brindley Place, the Albert Docks, Oxford Street and the Houses of Parliament, whilst enjoying the atmosphere of the Queen’s Diamond jubilee and the run up to the Olympics. It was an invaluable trip where the 6th formers gained insight into what life holds for them at the end of next year. We wish them all the success they deserve in the future.
A group of Year 12 students will be travelling to the UK after their AS examinations in May. The aim of the trip is to allow the students to visit a variety of both campus and city based universities. They will see different subject departments, meet with professors, visit student unions and get a real taste of university life. My thanks to Ms Roden, our UCAS coordinator for this initiative.
July 2019
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